Aaron Jordan Jr. aka Mr. Know Your Worth has dedicated his life to helping others.
He helps them heal emotional and mental wounds from bad relationships.
He does this by getting them to work on themselves and take ownership of their own mistakes.
" The biggest mistake people make is moving on too soon and they
use others to mask hurt and pain. It's like putting a Bandaid on a broken arm," beams
Jordan, who was engaged 3 times in a 24 month period
Jordan works with men and women who have different issues
especially the need and expectation of being rescued.
Just like in business success can come down to location,
location, location.
Jordan teaches that Reflection, Reflection, Reflection is the
key to knowing your worth and bringing out your best self in your next relationship.
Monday, July 30, 2018
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Willis Cable
Willis Cable is an innovator and trainer in the field of self improvement. For over 20 years he
has taught others how to get to the next level using spirituality, subconscious reprogramming,
and focus. He has been personally trained by Fortune 500 companies as well as leading thought
leaders such as John Maxwell. His previous work included increasing productivity at a Fortune 500 distributor in Illinois.
He managed and coach a team of workers who exceeded their goals. He is author of the In Betweens, an audio program that breaks down how to handle failure,
setting goals, bouncing back from setbacks, and much more. Workshop Presentations and topics -Team Building -Productivity -Brain reprogramming -Motivation -Setting Goals -Getting unstuck
Write and Grow Rich with Sunil Tulsiani
Sunil Tulsiani has dedicated his life to helping others become more successful by becoming
an author and writing a book. Books have proven to establish credibility, increase your authority,
and make you a highly sought after expert.
As a writer I know how important it is to have written content. Let's face it. Books have an extremely long shelf life. I have books I bought 20 years ago that I still read on occasion which puts me in contact with author over and over again.
I think most people are intimidated by the book writing process so they never get around to doing it and it hurts their business. Imagine you are looking to work with a contractor and you Google 'local contractor'.
On the first page you see simple contractors all looking alike and sounding alike. Then, you come across one that says JD White, author of How to Hire the Perfect Local Contractor. Do you think he would get your attention and that you would click on his site to find out more?
There are plenty of self publishing sites, writing coaches, etc but not many self made millionaire authors who have an established platform that allows you to co write a book with top celebrity names.
Sunil Tulsiani has done just that and now you get a chance to co author a book and work with thought leaders such as Robert Allen, Kevin Harrington of Shark Tank, and Brian Tracy.
NY Times bestselling author Robert Allen says, "Sunil and I have known each other for over 5 years. I was so impresed with his success strategies that I have co–authored books with him, trained alongside of him and shared big stages with him. I have personally seen hundreds of people who have benefitted from Sunil’s trainings, coaching and masterminds. I was just in Toronto Canada and witnessed Sunil training a group of his students. He's a master!"
Sunil Tulsiani is the founder of several successful companies. One of his main goals is to help different people reach the next level of success through authorship.
an author and writing a book. Books have proven to establish credibility, increase your authority,
and make you a highly sought after expert.
As a writer I know how important it is to have written content. Let's face it. Books have an extremely long shelf life. I have books I bought 20 years ago that I still read on occasion which puts me in contact with author over and over again.
I think most people are intimidated by the book writing process so they never get around to doing it and it hurts their business. Imagine you are looking to work with a contractor and you Google 'local contractor'.
On the first page you see simple contractors all looking alike and sounding alike. Then, you come across one that says JD White, author of How to Hire the Perfect Local Contractor. Do you think he would get your attention and that you would click on his site to find out more?
There are plenty of self publishing sites, writing coaches, etc but not many self made millionaire authors who have an established platform that allows you to co write a book with top celebrity names.
Sunil Tulsiani has done just that and now you get a chance to co author a book and work with thought leaders such as Robert Allen, Kevin Harrington of Shark Tank, and Brian Tracy.
NY Times bestselling author Robert Allen says, "Sunil and I have known each other for over 5 years. I was so impresed with his success strategies that I have co–authored books with him, trained alongside of him and shared big stages with him. I have personally seen hundreds of people who have benefitted from Sunil’s trainings, coaching and masterminds. I was just in Toronto Canada and witnessed Sunil training a group of his students. He's a master!"
Sunil Tulsiani is the founder of several successful companies. One of his main goals is to help different people reach the next level of success through authorship.
Webcoin Leading the Pack
Vladimir Ninov‘s, Co Founder of Webcoin vision for the disruption of the global advertising industry entails:
“The Webcoin team aims to integrate all viral social media networks into the world’s largest interest-based peer-to-peer social media and web exchange platform. The Webhits.io platform will allow businesses from all around the world to effectively advertise also on the Indian and Asia-Pacific markets.”
All technological innovations, particularly disruptive ones, create winners and losers. People and institutions with vested interests will fight back against new technology. The negative term “Luddite” comes from textile workers in the early 19th century who smashed machines that were taking away their livelihood.
They did not succeed in stopping innovation.We can expect advertising agencies to resist blockchain
technology, or try to co-opt it. However, voluntarily leaving the cryptocurrency sector, leaves the space open to small and agile newcomers.
It will also serve as a "proof of concept" demonstration. If blockchain-based technologies like Webcoin
succeed in bringing down costs and reaching new customers via innovative techniques, then these techniques can then be applied to more sedate areas of the advertising marketplace like cars,
perfume and fashion.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Dallas News Bureau
There are thousands of boys in Texas who need guidance, encouragement, and discipline. One company called Squad STX has made it their mission to help turn boys into young men.
Squad STX is run by a team of Army buddies that are passionate about passing on basic yet today mostly overlooked outside of the military leadership lessons gained from a combined 30 years of leading and training young men on five continents.
The instructors are:
Dustin Stewart of Tyler, TX
Mitch Brown of Houston, TX
Scott Womack of Dallas, TX
John Clark of Fort Worth, TX
“Our perspective is that as the modern world requires more screen time and less physical action with people increasingly growing up in a cocoon of technology, programs like this are essential for young men to stay grounded in actual leadership,” says Stewart.
Given the recent conversations about masculinity that have arisen in the wake of tragic school shootings, more and more parents are concerned about how to raise strong, stable young men. In an environment in which social disconnection and the proliferation of problematic media technologies have eroded adolescent psychological health, many parents fight a daily battle to counteract the increasingly poisonous influence of a society untethered from the norms that served young men so well in previous generations. And yet even as parents work so anxiously to help their kids, they often find themselves adrift in a kind of no-man’s-land of contradictory advice. Today’s parents are inundated with multiple questions about what constitutes proper parenting: Are traditional notions of masculinity healthy or ‘toxic’? Where is the line between proper discipline and overbearing authoritarianism? How does one cultivate a child’s character in a way that allows maximum freedom but also necessary guidance?
While most people consider these terms more or less synonymous, there is actually a profound distinction between them that is instructive for parents and all who would seek to instill leadership skills in young men.
The Latin word for control literally translates as “roll against.” Contrast this idea with the Latin antecedent of command—commandere—which suggests a notion of a delegation of authority, a handing over of responsibility that allows the individual to exercise and develop his character in a structured context. With this in mind, US Army field manuals on small unit tactics state that an “emphasis on command, rather than control, provides for initiative, the acceptance of risk, and the rapid seizure of opportunities…which can be viewed as freedom of action for the leader to execute his mission in the way they see fit, rather than being told how to do it…reinforced by the knowledge of the higher commander’s intent and focused on a main effort.”
This model of command is known as “mission-command” in military jargon and is the gold standard in combat and corporate leadership and provides the necessary dual paradigm of discipline and freedom that helps to build authentic masculinity and a real sense of leadership.
As a former Army infantry company commander, Stewart regularly faced the challenge of how to build strong young men. After leaving the Army, he decided to continue this important and rewarding work. He created Squad STX Camping, a boys leadership & camping program whose goal is to effectively instill real leadership qualities in young men in ways that go beyond the kind of empty performative role-playing that most summer camp experiences provide.
Their program’s emphasis on situational training exercises (STX) and rotating leadership positions among squads gives boys the experience of making leadership decisions and accomplishing team objectives. This type of experience will serve them well as they enter further leadership roles in school, business, or public service. They will understand from experience at Squad STX that while they cannot control everything, they can lead teams to success by knowing how to command like the pros do.
Dates for camp are June 20-24, June 27-July 1, July 18-22, and July 25-29.
Squad STX is run by a team of Army buddies that are passionate about passing on basic yet today mostly overlooked outside of the military leadership lessons gained from a combined 30 years of leading and training young men on five continents.
The instructors are:
Dustin Stewart of Tyler, TX
Mitch Brown of Houston, TX
Scott Womack of Dallas, TX
John Clark of Fort Worth, TX
“Our perspective is that as the modern world requires more screen time and less physical action with people increasingly growing up in a cocoon of technology, programs like this are essential for young men to stay grounded in actual leadership,” says Stewart.
Given the recent conversations about masculinity that have arisen in the wake of tragic school shootings, more and more parents are concerned about how to raise strong, stable young men. In an environment in which social disconnection and the proliferation of problematic media technologies have eroded adolescent psychological health, many parents fight a daily battle to counteract the increasingly poisonous influence of a society untethered from the norms that served young men so well in previous generations. And yet even as parents work so anxiously to help their kids, they often find themselves adrift in a kind of no-man’s-land of contradictory advice. Today’s parents are inundated with multiple questions about what constitutes proper parenting: Are traditional notions of masculinity healthy or ‘toxic’? Where is the line between proper discipline and overbearing authoritarianism? How does one cultivate a child’s character in a way that allows maximum freedom but also necessary guidance?
While most people consider these terms more or less synonymous, there is actually a profound distinction between them that is instructive for parents and all who would seek to instill leadership skills in young men.
The Latin word for control literally translates as “roll against.” Contrast this idea with the Latin antecedent of command—commandere—which suggests a notion of a delegation of authority, a handing over of responsibility that allows the individual to exercise and develop his character in a structured context. With this in mind, US Army field manuals on small unit tactics state that an “emphasis on command, rather than control, provides for initiative, the acceptance of risk, and the rapid seizure of opportunities…which can be viewed as freedom of action for the leader to execute his mission in the way they see fit, rather than being told how to do it…reinforced by the knowledge of the higher commander’s intent and focused on a main effort.”
This model of command is known as “mission-command” in military jargon and is the gold standard in combat and corporate leadership and provides the necessary dual paradigm of discipline and freedom that helps to build authentic masculinity and a real sense of leadership.
As a former Army infantry company commander, Stewart regularly faced the challenge of how to build strong young men. After leaving the Army, he decided to continue this important and rewarding work. He created Squad STX Camping, a boys leadership & camping program whose goal is to effectively instill real leadership qualities in young men in ways that go beyond the kind of empty performative role-playing that most summer camp experiences provide.
Their program’s emphasis on situational training exercises (STX) and rotating leadership positions among squads gives boys the experience of making leadership decisions and accomplishing team objectives. This type of experience will serve them well as they enter further leadership roles in school, business, or public service. They will understand from experience at Squad STX that while they cannot control everything, they can lead teams to success by knowing how to command like the pros do.
Dates for camp are June 20-24, June 27-July 1, July 18-22, and July 25-29.
To register visit www.squadstx.com
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Guerrilla Global Summit Helping Entrepreneurs Grow in a Tough Economy
The Guerrilla Global Summit 2018 will be held on May 3-5 in Orlando, FL. This must attend event is put on by Jeannie Levinson Co-founder of Guerrilla Marketing and co-author with Jay Conrad Levinson of the internationally best-selling books and programs that introduced millions to these concepts globally.
She will share from her experience with unique and specific examples of how you can use these methods immediately to make you and your business the top in your field.
Jason Myers Chairman of Guerrilla Marketing and owner/investor in several companies. Jason is a life-long Guerrilla Marketer, Best-Selling Author, Mentor and Expert Entrepreneurial Lifestyle-Design Mentor. He has introduced the Guerrilla concepts into many companies where he had “skin in the game” and helped them grow from startups to multi-million dollar revenue generators and towards exits. He has used Guerrilla Marketing methods and mindset in startups and 7, 8, 9 figure businesses and even Fortune 50 organizations.
Attendees will learn how to think like a guerrilla marketer, publicity tips, email marketing, business acceleration, and more.
The concept of Guerrilla business began as the book Guerrilla Marketing. This first book was published in 1984 and it was created to help small business succeed against large and established competitors with large advertising budgets. Guerrilla Marketing started a movement that lead to over 50 books, published into 62 languages and selling over 21 million copies around the globe.
"From outside the business looks successful. But the owner's reality isn't as rosy. He struggles with cash flow issues, puts in 60, sometimes 70 hours a week or more. The stress is having a negative effect on his health… and relationships. Financially, everything he has is tied up in the business. There is no quality time, no life other than keeping the business going, no future except more of the same.
Our Global Summit gives entrepreneurs the edge," beams Myers
For more information visit www.gmarketing.com
Friday, March 30, 2018
I am thrilled to let you know about an upcoming technology conference. Ngenuity Worx, a technology and management consulting services company today announced their annual Women and Minorities in Technology Conference on April 3–4, 2018 in Jacksonville, FL.
The conference was created to fill a need and help minorities in IT secure funding. According to their site only 14% of CS Degree Candidates are women and Black women get gnly 0.02% of venture capital funding.
The purpose of the Women and Minorities in Technology Conference is to:
- Aid women and minorities to enter and advance in information technology roles via education
- Enhance corporate and tech community awareness of how to attract and retain a diverse IT workforce.
- Energize the educational pipeline of diverse workers.
- Connect attendees with companies and staffing agencies.
For more info visit www.wamitconference.com
The conference was created to fill a need and help minorities in IT secure funding. According to their site only 14% of CS Degree Candidates are women and Black women get gnly 0.02% of venture capital funding.
The purpose of the Women and Minorities in Technology Conference is to:
- Aid women and minorities to enter and advance in information technology roles via education
- Enhance corporate and tech community awareness of how to attract and retain a diverse IT workforce.
- Energize the educational pipeline of diverse workers.
- Connect attendees with companies and staffing agencies.
For more info visit www.wamitconference.com
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Have Picky Eaters? Expand Their Palette & Make Eating Fun!
At some point every parent has engaged in the almost futile struggle of trying to get their child to try a new food. It’s a battle of wills that rarely leads to the desired outcome--even if you do manage to make them eat the food, the “battle” surrounding it has a very high chance of tainting the food’s image in the mind of the child. Since they were forced to eat it, their natural response is to rebel against it.
The trick is to let them explore new foods on their own, having the child naturally try new things of their own accords. But now we’re faced with a new problem: how does a parent plant this idea in their kid’s head? Well, children’s entertainment icon HIP HOP HARRY (www.youtube.com/hiphopharrytv) has the solution!
HIP HOP HARRY stars an eponymous bear that runs an afterschool program at Hip Hop Central, where kids gather to have fun and learn through song and dance. Throughout the show the children at Hip Hop Central are depicted trying many new foods. For example, the episode “Peas In A Pod” opens with the kids enjoying a veggie snack when Farmer Fran stops by with a variety of peas she has grown on her farm. The kids are a bit apprehensive at first, having never seen peas like them before, but once they try the peas they love them! (You can watch the video here: https://youtu.be/mY2yVRC3SfM)
This definitely is not an isolated incident either, throughout the series the children are open minded and always willing to try new things. Teaching through example is one of the most powerful ways to influence a child, and HIP HOP HARRY is the perfect piece of entertainment to encourage your kid’s exploration of food.
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