Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Guerrilla Global Summit Helping Entrepreneurs Grow in a Tough Economy

The Guerrilla Global Summit 2018 will be held on May 3-5 in Orlando, FL. This must attend event is put on by Jeannie Levinson Co-founder of Guerrilla Marketing and co-author with Jay Conrad Levinson of the internationally best-selling books and programs that introduced millions to these concepts globally.

She will share from her experience with unique and specific examples of how you can use these methods immediately to make you and your business the top in your field.

Jason Myers  Chairman of Guerrilla Marketing and owner/investor in several companies. Jason is a life-long Guerrilla Marketer, Best-Selling Author, Mentor and Expert Entrepreneurial Lifestyle-Design Mentor. He has introduced the Guerrilla concepts into many companies where he had “skin in the game” and helped them grow from startups to multi-million dollar revenue generators and towards exits. He has used Guerrilla Marketing methods and mindset in startups and 7, 8, 9 figure businesses and even Fortune 50 organizations.

Attendees will learn how to think like a guerrilla marketer, publicity tips, email marketing, business acceleration, and more.

The concept of Guerrilla business began as the book Guerrilla Marketing. This first book was published in 1984 and it was created to help small business succeed against large and established competitors with large advertising budgets.  Guerrilla Marketing started a movement that lead to over 50 books, published into 62 languages and selling over 21 million copies around the globe.

"From outside the business looks successful. But the owner's reality isn't as rosy. He struggles with cash flow issues, puts in 60, sometimes 70 hours a week or more. The stress is having a negative effect on his health… and relationships. Financially, everything he has is tied up in the business. There is no quality time, no life other than keeping the business going, no future except more of the same.
Our Global Summit gives entrepreneurs the edge," beams Myers

For more information visit