Sunday, October 1, 2017

Event Shows You How to Get Your Share of the Billions Given Away Each Year

In business it's been said," The more you know...the more you grow!"

Every year thousands of conferences, seminars, and workshops are held each year but only a few are must attend events. These key events often reveal the latest technology, offers the opportunity to meet new people in your industry, and attract the best speakers on the stage.
Getting to The Money 2017 Workshop will be held in INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA~ Saturday on  October 21st: 1:00p.m.- 6:00p.m. Eastern Standard Time
  • 14074 Trade Center Dr  ~Training Conference Room 1
  • Fishers, IN 46038

Founded by Stacee Lang  who has helped clients obtain more than $157 million in funding from government agencies and private foundations including for non-profit organizations, research institutions, and small businesses from Federal agencies and departments such as the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the National Institute of Health (NIH), the Department of Defense (DOD), and the Department of Justice (DOJ). Although her background is in the social sciences, Lang has extensive experience and success with INTERNATIONAL proposals involving basic and clinical science, institutional improvement, student support services, workforce development, and other areas.

Lang’s expertise is in building fundraising department infrastructures as well as developing solicitation strategies for donors across multiple giving channels. She leads the business development and grant/research activities for nonprofit organizations worldwide; as well as developing strategies and partnerships to increase the flow of capital to the social sector.

You will learn: HOW to WIN!

  • How to build a Nonprofit that is income generating and takes care of you financially while you're making an impact in the world. When you put your passion into the system we've developed, you're going to have complete success!

    We're  going to teach you this by showing you how we personally launched 7 powerful income generating nonprofits. We've generated over $267 million in funding for the various Nonprofits we've started and supported, and we've made a great income changing the world.

    We've advised celebrities, governors, county clerks, we were even appointed to a special task force to gain community funding.  When you're involved in nonprofits, it's all possible. 

Additional speakers include:

Top PR and marketing pro will share:

3 ways to boost sales
How to get national publicity
Keys to using PR to raise awareness and funding
How he went from welfare to 7 figures in just a few years

His clients include CEO Space, Les Brown, Wonderlic, Doc Fleming, Nightingale, Nas, Agent Zero, and others.

Whatever your passion is, whatever that idea is that you've had for all of these years that you've known that you want to take forward, that's what we're going to teach you on this training...

Program fee includes: classroom instruction, curricular materials, and lite refreshments.

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